Monday, January 31, 2011

Thoughts On Heavy Rain

So it has been a good minute since I last spoke to my blog followers. A number of reasons involved like me sleeping through the day (night shift worker), being busy (apartment and furniture shopping), and of course not doing playing new games (new to me). After all, how do you fuel a blog about gaming without having new games to talk about? You don't, and that was a mistake on my part.

The Origami Killer
This past week I finally jumped into my copy of Heavy Rain just about a year after its initial release. Heavy Rain was definitely one of the games that made me want to get a PS3 after Quantic Dreams put out Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit (sleeper hit) on the PS2/Xbox. I'm a bit loathe to use the term spiritual successor when referring to Heavy Rain, but maybe evolution is more apt? Heavy Rain is one of the few modern adventure games out there, and during pre and post release hype was often compared to playing out like a movie.

Did the game live up to its hype for me? I'm not quite sure. The big thing for this game as I remember were graphics in regards to character modeling, and especially facial reaction. I look at the characters faces and they are certainly detailed (the loading screen is a big close up of one of the games four protagonist), and they look just fine when characters are talking, but they seem off for me when I look at the characters faces as they're doing nothing. One of the things I liked so much about last year's hit Red Dead Redemption was how many little animations went into the characters during cut scenes to make them look real, and less like a motion captured video game model. I don't get that feel from Heavy Rain, but that's minor and no big deal as a lot of games on this generation of consoles are not able to or don't pull that off.

Protagonist Ethan Mars
 I am also a little bit turned off by the textures in the environment and clothing. Perhaps my A/V settings are not optimal but seeing a blurry sign hanging up in front of a building, or noticing that the rips and cuts in a characters pants are low resolution certainly puts a dimmer on what is for the most part a very nice looking game. I also was not a fan of seeing one of the characters bandaged up, and realizing that they were not able to somehow separate the layers and instead just replaced the body texture of the character (this may be a hard graphical limitation to over come). Not to be all negative, I do like seeing some of the interaction between objects such as seeing a person actually slide their arm through the strap of a backpack, or a character being able to pull a piece of paper out of an envelope.

Another big portion for a game driven so much by story is its voice acting and ability to carry the emotion of what is supposed to be such a heavy, and trying series of events for the main characters. The voice acting for me has been a mixed bag mostly because of the accents. I have to assume the game is set somewhere in the United States since of the main characters is a member of the FBI but so many characters have a French accent that it throws things off for me. I assume this is simply a by product of Quantic Dreams being a French development studio. It still throws off some of the immersion, and makes me wish they had gotten a hold of better voice actors since this was Sony exclusive IP.

Protagonist Norman Jayden

As far as the story is concerned I am hooked. The scenes with the father Ethan Mars are very emotional, and certainly pull on your heart strings (even if they do seem out of Saw). The most promising part for me is the idea of a branching story that allows for the game to continue even if one of the protagonist (of which there are four) dies. It provides an incentive to be careful the first time through knowing that the game will not just kick you back to a previous check point, and gives me incentive to replay each scene.

Looking back at what I wrote I see a lot of negative. Trust me, this game no where disappoints me the way Fable 3 did. It offers something different from the gluttony of shooters that generate so many sales in the video game industry. I'm enjoying my play through, and if you are like me and failed to play this title at some point last year then at least give it a rental t enjoy the experience.

Leave your comments here on the blog or e-mail me at

Monday, January 17, 2011

Our Affiliates

If you've taken a chance to look over to the right side of this blog you've noticed the affiliates side bar, and a fleur-de-lis logo. That's for the one and only Phobia (or Beezy as I like to call him) who has very recently opened his own website dedicated to Sports Gaming (a passion very dear to my heart) called Simulation Generation Sports or SimGen Sports for short.

Just recently he launched his first web show for SimGen. In it you get a quick intro to everything his website is about, a suggested slider set for NCAA Football 2011, and some running tips for Backbreaker. So please everyone, give it a watch, subscribe, and click on the little side logo to visit the site.

Leave comments here on the blog, or shoot me an e-mail at

Saturday, January 15, 2011

On The Docket For January

Coming off the holiday rush January is usually a slow month for gaming, but in 2011 we can expect some pretty big releases to start the new year off right.

Dead Space 2
Dead Space 2
 The sequel to the 2008 hit horror shooter from EA has already been garnering great early reviews. I enjoy playing games that provide a nice scare or tense atmosphere, but I haven't found much outside of the titles developed by Monolith. As it were, I would be excited to add this game to my collection, but the first Dead Space still remains on my back log for completion. In due time I shall return to this great series.

Dead Space 2 is releasing January 25, 2011.

Little Big Planet 2
Little Big Planet 2
In a year that will see almost all of Sony's first party exclusive titles hit Little Big Planet 2 is being pushed out the door first. I haven't followed much about this game since I did not have a PS3 at the time of the original game's release, but the few times I come across I get the vibe of bigger and better. I'm all for that with a game that is so community driven as Little Big Planet. I always enjoy seeing what gamers can bring to life when given the same creation tools as developers.

Little Big Planet 2 is releasing January 18, 2011.

DC Universe Online
WarBlade of Xbox_Roughneck @ Operation Sports
One of the earliest things I remember about the 360 when it was being released were announcements of bring MMO games to the console in a big way (previously only had FFXI on PS2). We were supposed to see a port of FFXI, Huxley, Age of Conan, and Marvel Universe. Huxley and Age of Conan never made it, and Microsoft pulled the plug on Marvel Universe which Cryptic re-purposed into Champions Online which also never made a debut on 360.

The news of Marvel Universe had folks excited about the thought of playing along side some of their favorite comic book heroes (and not just the well done creations of City of Heroes/Villains). It's cancellation was certainly a sad event, but gamers had hope with the Sony exclusive DC Universe Online. DC Universe Online is a very twitched based game designed with console gamer in mind, and has actually released. Comic book lovers rejoice!

DC Universe Online released January 11, 2011.

Mass Effect 2
It was only a matter of time before the 360 lost its exclusivity with the Mass Effect series after EA purchased Rpg giant Bioware. PS3 users rejoice as they get a port of Mass Effect 2 running on the engine for Mass Effect 3, and they also get the bonus of several Mass Effect 2 DLC being included on disc for free. Enjoy.

Mass Effect 2 (PS3) releases January 18, 2011.

And for me? I have no game purchases to make after spending like crazy thanks to Black Friday (PS3 & games), and the Steam Massive Christmas Sale. Instead I have turned my focus to finishing off Dragon Age: Origins and the Awakening sequel.

Dragon Age: Origins
This is the game I truly feel bad about not finishing. I was super excited for this game. I had just built a new PC a few months early, and went out and bought this day one. Then I was crushed under the weight of the difficulty (though folks like this consider it any easy game), or better phrased as my lack of understanding how to take advantage of everything the combat system provides.

Over a year later I'm back, and with the release of Dragon Age II on the horizon I will learn. I will persevere. I will conquer Origins, and await the arrival of Dragon Age II from a mountain high as I descend upon it like the Dwarven Berserkers of Orzimmar.

Leave a comment with the post or send me an e-mail at

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 Most Anticipated

2011 is a year poised for greatness in the world of gaming. Industry heavy hitters such as the Elder Scrolls franchise poised for new releases this year. Barring a rash of delays at the back end of the year we should all be very happy. With such a great year ahead of us, here are my most anticipated games of 2011 and a small blurb about why.

Dragon Age II

If you were to look across a list of my top games a common thread would begin to develop: Bioware. I am unashamed of my love for all games made by the Canadian developer. I trust fully in what they make, and pray they never betray that trust. Even so it would probably still only end up like this.

Mass Effect 3

The Mass Effect series is firmly perched atop my list of top 360 games (and maybe overall), and looks down upon everything else. As the conclusion of the Mass Effect Trilogy and my earlier profession of love for Bioware it would be safe to say that this is THE most anticipated game of 2011 for me. Also, Mass Effect for the Star Wars of my generation!

Star Wars: The Old Republic
Yes, another Bioware developed game. My love of Bioware actually started with a game that made by another developer. That game is Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords. Not Bioware developed, but based off of their engine and formula, and helped kick start my enjoyment of the Star Wars universe. I waited patiently for news of a KOTOR 3, but instead I get an MMO. I’m not complaining, and I will be there day one.

Lord of the Rings: War in the North

It’s not so much that I care about Lord of the Rings, but more so that I want to see if Snowblind Studios still has the magic that made the Champions of Norrath series so addicting for my friends and me in high school. Many a sleepless night was spent on co-op as we grinded through levels for better loot. It has been a long time since their last release of Justice League: Heroes back in 2006.


This represents the graphic whore in me. The id Tech 5 engine has this game looking beautiful, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

The Last Guardian

Team ICO makes games with great art style, and amazing emotional appeal for me. I have only played Shadow of the Colossus which was an epic adventure that tugged at the heart strings. With the release of the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus collection this year I will get to enjoy these two amazing games in HD before the Last Guardian arrives.

Honorable Mention
Homefront, Gears of War 3, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Kings of Amular: Reckoning, Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Leaves comments on the blog or e-mail me at

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome to the Curse Of Spin!

I would like to welcome everybody to the inaugural post for the Curse Of Spin blog! It has been a long time coming (aka I was lazy). This blog has a two-fold purpose for me. The first reason why this blog is so important is that it allows me to espouse my love for video gaming by a combination of posting blog updates here, linking to news articles via the Curse Of Spin twitter account, and networking with my fellow online gaming associates who have struck out and made their own websites.

The second reason behind this blog is the real reason this is even up: Practice. Back in May of 2010 I graduated from college with a degree in mass communications with an emphasis in public relations. Since then I have failed to find employment in the field that I spent four years of schooling on. So it dawns on me that I need to be a bit of a self-starter, and do something on my own before my skills erode completely. I chose this combination of blog and twitter for a few reasons.

  1. The biggest thing is that it is free for the time being. I am employed, but I need something that doesn't require a huge capital investment. This may change if future plans come to fruition (i.e. new PC + HD capture equipment to provide video content).
  2. The most obvious is that it allows me to practice my writing skills. I only spent a semester writing for the school paper, and I know I have a ways to go in mastering AP Style and editing.
  3. Social media is a big part of society nowadays, and it would be of invaluable experience to be able to show an employer a firm grasp of social networking skills.

So bear with me as I grow into a public relations/social media professional. Leave feedback here on the blog or e-mail me at