Monday, May 2, 2011

On The Docket For May

A day late, but here it is none the less!

L.A. Noire

For the second May in a row Rockstar Games is releasing an open world sandbox title that is sure to sell like hotcakes. The game is set in L.A. in the 1940s, and places you in the role of police offer solving crimes based on real life news clippings from the time. Promising to be a more cerebral game then the likes of GTA/RDR L.A. Noire should be an exciting change of pace.

L.A. Noire releases May 17, 2011


From the development team behind Enemy Territory: Quake Wars comes Brink. Brink is an FPS hoping to differentiate itself from the countless Call of Duty clones with an emphasis on team work (I've seen Team Fortress thrown around). The developers sought out seamless integration between single player and multi player modes (with multi player being the single player missions with added people). It features a class based system with objectives based upon your class, and a system that Splash Damage is calling SMART. The system allows for parkour type running along the surfaces assuming your character has the body type to allow for it.

Brink releases May 10, 2011.

Dirt 3

Once again I find myself out of my element talking about a game like Dirt (racing games not my style). I do believe the game will feature dynamic weather that will have effect on how your car handles on the track (though that may be an old feature at this point), rally racing, drifting, and they seem to have included a few multiplayer modes like capture the flag and infection to divert from the serious nature of racing at breakneck speeds on treacherous courses.

Dirt 3 releases May 24, 2011.

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